Sunday, 19 January 2014

online aptitude test

In a group of 200 people, number of people having at least primary education : number of people having at least middle school education : number of people having at least high school education :: 7 : 3 : . 90 of these play football and 60 play hockey. 5 people in category III (defined as people having high school education) and one fourth each in category I and II (defined as people having primary school education only and people having middle school education but not high school education, respectively) do not play any game. In each of the above category the number of people playing only hockey equal the number of people playing only football. 2 people each in categories I and II and 1 person in category III play both the games. 2 people playing both games are uneducated (category IV). 5 people in category III play only hockey.

Assume middle school education can be had only after completing primary school and high school education can be had only after completing middle school. Also all people in the group fall under the four categories described above.


1. How many people have middle school education?
(1) 16 (2) 32 (3) 48 (4) 64

2. How many high school educated people do not play football?
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 12

3. How many people having middle school, but not high school, education play only football?
(1) 2 (2) 7 (3) 11 (4) 15

4. How many people who completed primary school could not finish middle school?
(1) 48 (2) 64 (3) 80 (4) 96

5. How many uneducated people play neither hockey nor football?
(1) 15 (2) 20 (3) 23 (4) 28


1. (3) 3x = 48 people have middle school education.

2. (3) Number of high school education who do not play football = 5 + x - 6/2  = 10.

3. (3) Number of people having middle school education but not high school education who
play only football =
X-6 / 2 = 11.

4. (2) Number of such people = Number of people having primary school education
- No. of people having middle school education = 7x – 3x = 4x = 64.

5. (4) Number of educated people playing football only = 39.
Number of educated people playing hockey only = 39.
∴Number of an uneducated people playing football = 90 – (39 + 5) = 46 and number of
uneducated people playing hockey
= 60 – (39 + 5) = 16. Out of these 2 play both games.
∴ No. of uneducated people playing at least one game = 46 + 16 - 2 = 60.
No. of uneducated people = 200 – 7x = 200 – 112 = 88.
∴ 88 – 60 = 28 uneducated people do not play any game.

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